Lyonette is still recuperating from the Winter Solstice. Nanette and Hethon discover that Lyonette kept Ryoka's Ironwood wand from them. Rose comes back to the inn. Erin's Mystery Box appears in the inn.
Saliss gets Mirn out of Pallass to Oteslia after a bad talk with Pallass' new command. Saliss also talks with Rose about how to help the LGBTQ+ movement in Innworld and they start to act out a plan.
Erek joins Erin's group. While being escorted, Erin manages to slip away to fight in the siege of Ramok. She becomes a Lucifen in appearance for a while and makes it out relatively unharmed.
Haunted by her actions from the previous volume and emotional ghosts, Erin Solstice goes back to her Volume 1 roots as she navigates a world much bigger than she's used to.
The Gnolls hold an auction, while Nerrhavia plays this world's first piano performance. The Blighted Kingdom attempts to assassinate Inkar and stage it on the demons. Corrigone reminisces about the past
It's a race against time as Ulvama and her adopted animal companions try to find the Fraerlings before Erin Solstice literally melts. Meanwhile, Erin uses the Pavilion.
Faced with her diminishing craft, Alevica deals with the fallout of her master's death. The Order of Solstice talk about the birds and the bees, while Durene makes a decision about her future.
Embroiled in the war against Vampires, the Order of Solstice make their stand in Pallass. Laken and Alevica have a breakthrough in translating the magical language of the Hag Queens, but the [Witch] has a difficult decision to make. Normen humbles grimalkin. Alevica goes on a delivery and is ambushed by a [Griffin Rider] on her way back. She manages to hide in a swamp, but sees Clairei Knights burning a vampire swamp village to the ground. She decides to something about it.
They rescue five survivors of an expedition from Bitorm from a pack of Sword Crabs, including a [Knight] named Olvos Lanight
Grand Design of Isthekenous discovers a room within itself containing the belongings of gods. One of the items is an orb containing the world of Aklat Vunn, which it begins analyzing.
The Grand Design of Isthekenous continues to analyze and write down the details of the universe where Aklat Vunn originated, while also learning of Kasigna's origins.
For unknown reasons, Mrsha du Marquin levels into a Level 70 [Druid of the Lucky World, Child of Omens; Ember of the Eternal Solstice], which the Grand Design swiftly cancels.
The [Knight], Lord Olvos Lanight tries multiple times to slay the Sword Crab that killed his wife.
He knows that Fightipilota is a Goblin, after she shot him with an arrow to get him to retreat, unknowingly breaking the [Tribe: Guise of Neutrality] Skill.
Another Frost Wyvern carrying Redscar and seven other Redfangs arrive. They help Olvos kill the Sword Crab
Rags goes to meet the two Dragons to try to get Teriarch to help protect Goblinhome
Teriarch is revealed to have made the key to the Goblin King's treasure.
They go inside the Dragonthrone to talk. Rags tries to get Teriarch to reveal the truth of Goblins, but he reveals that simply knowing the truth can create a Goblin King
Cirediel and a flock of Pegasus Riders arrive. He tries attacking Teriarch but the Earth Dragon is drop-kicked out of the air by the Frost Wyvern Lord
Teriarch recounts the origins of Goblins and other personal anecdotes, but goes on a tangent on the Eyes of Baleros, Walled City politics, and other topics, all the while refusing to share substantial information on everything.
The Frost Wyvern Lord empathizes with a drunken Rags, and tries attacking Teriarch, but is soundly defeated.
Mrsha du Marquin is investigating her mysterious and brief level up, contacting the leader of the Sea Shepherds and Fetohep to interview them on what it feels like to be above Level 50.
While trying to dig up some Faerie Flowers in the [Garden of Sanctuary], Mrsha discovers that they have grown dozens of feet downwards. While using [Groundswim] (thanks to Valeterisa Imarris), Mrsha somehow passes through the bottom of the [Garden], and starts falling to an unknown location.
After closing the door on herself, Mrsha retraces her steps and find notecards on the doors describing what they portray
Mrsha decides to dig upwards from the roots but failing that she calls for every reality where imminent danger to the Wandering Inn and friends is going to happen
Mrsha opens a door that depicts the 2nd Army of Pallass besieging Goblinhome
Opening another door Mrsha sees the 2nd Army of Pallass enter an empty Goblinhome only to encounter an Old One
Mrsha continues to open more doors and figures out that Rags is the person in the most immediate danger
In another failed attempt to escape Mrsha finds out that the [Palace of Fates] can also show futures where those who had died survived instead
Having an epiphany Mrsha remembers that the [Palace of Fates] is a part of the [Garden of Sanctuary] and makes a doorway on the ceiling by the roots
Mrsha convinces Lyonette that she is alright and requests Asgra to pass on a letter to Rags immediately and waits for any sign of the two at the inn
As Rags and her group walk through the stone hallways getting ready to meet the Troll Queen
Rags suddenly collapses and finds herself in a memory of Velan pleading to those that follow in his footsteps in the search for truth that the answers don't reside underground and the gate to the Walled City of Graves, Liskaldreth, should remain closed
Rags arrives at the main troll camp and meets the Troll Queen Dulat before they leave to trek towards the Old Gates
At Goblinhome, Poisonbite receives a note sent by Mrsha and calls for any fast goblins to send the message to Rags in time for Rianchi to volunteer to do the run himself
Rags goes to sleep to see memories of who Trolls once were in the past and then catch up to where the battle against the Old One is taking place
Rags in circuit faces against the torso, hand and head of the Old One before retreating back
After obtaining the information from Mrsha's letter Rags reexamines their ability to combat the Old One and travels to The Wandering Inn
Mrsha leads Rags to the entrance to the [Palace of Fates] and jumps in
Doubte mulls over what he needs to do with the guidance of his two children as they have inherited power greater than they could understand. But as the world changes so must he, so Doubte decides to take his children to Hraace for further guidance.
Ceria offends Lovse with a stray comment and in doing so the Horns of Hammerad are chased all the way to Reim.
Ceria is taken aside by Amerys for their long needed talk and Yvlon is taken aside by Mars for some sparring.
Amerys and Ceria with the later inclusion of Pisces capture and dissect a couple of Wistram's magical carriages for its secrets.
Ksmvr and Vofea talk about their relationship and dynamics to the Horns of Hammerad, gets a message that a scouting group have found tunnels that are assumed to be telepathically made by Selphids.
Numbtongue is battling depression by drowning in booze, getting in trouble, and sleeping around with Salkis and her friends in Pallass.
Salkis is revealed to be a [Corrupter], albeit low level, to influence Numbtongue and infiltrate the inn for the Bloodfeast Raiders.
Salkis's stepmother is revealed to be a nice Garuda lady with a mango tree in the house on the 5th floor of Pallas.
Numbtongue returns to the inn with Salkis to the welcome of no one except for Root Mrsha.
In the better world before the Winter Solstice, Pyrite, Headscratcher, Kevin, and Halrac, contemplate the words of Prime Mrsha and start to spread the secret.
Student Rags becomes the first person and the first Goblin to perform an educational tour of Goblinhome and perform standup across the world on Wistram News Network, to the amusement and dismay of many, especially Niers and Chieftain Rags. Student Rags reveals the incoming 2nd Army of Pallass and the Draconic Titan.
Teriach orders the evacuation of Rafaema and Cirediel while watching the standup and preparing to fight the Draconic Titan.
Student Rags and Chieftain Rags (also Redscar) work together to repel the attacks on them. Chieftain Rags challenges General Shirka of Pallass’ 2nd Army.
Mrsha, the monster who steals your happiness, after the conversation in the better world before the Winter Solstice and seeing the world where Brunkr lives, decides to do something insane.
Root Mrsha the spymaster eliminates multiple enemy spy and put the fear of death in the remaining spies while sipping tea, gaining the respect of Calanfer and Dame Ushar.
The spectacle of the magic duel between a Gnoll and a Drake brings hope to Gnolls across the Great Plains about the revival of Gnoll magic, especially Ferkr.
Relc deduces the identity of Adult Mrsha and tries to put a stop to the fight. Grimalkin wins by being the last one standing.
Valetersia experiences her first Solstice event.
Adult Mrsha shares her story and put the fear of the future into Valetersia, Witch Alevica, Ishrkr, Grimalkin, and anyone who dares to ask.