Pawn gives a sermon to the Free Hive about Erin and the sky. Silveran quits his job at the inn and finds himself cleaning a store in Liscor. The Horns give up on getting help from the Healer of Tenbault.
The Players of Celum depart the inn. Ishkr and Drassi check on Silveran working at a shop in Liscor. Pawn and Xrn experiment with Pawn's [Summon Aberration] skill. 4000 Antinium Crusaders try to join Liscor's militia while Olesm and Liscor's Council debate. Magnolia Reinhart arrives at Zeres's harbor, causing a worldwide spectacle.
Eldavin / Teriarch goes around Wistram preparing and planning for something, and starts a worldwide movie broadcast about Archmages Chandler and Zelkyr.
The adventurers and armies brace against the stronger undead during the Village of the Dead raid while the Horns reach the center to watch the Putrid one die.
The [Dragonbane Swordlegend] kills all the greater undead, and fights the adventurers as he deems them unworthy, while the Horns run away from Tolveilouka using a [Greater Teleport] Scroll.
Ksmvr fights golems in Illivere's Testing Grounds arena after 'establishing dominance'. After defeating multiple golems, the enraged [Golem Artificers] send out Domehead who nearly kills Ksmvr, however he is saved by Nsiia breaking Domehead.
Yvlon gets trapped by corrupt Nerrhavian officials, and is sentenced to a Gladiator Arena.
Ceria is provided food and shelter by the people of Nerhs.
Erin learns to be a witch and meets with people in the deadlands.
Flos and Nerrhavia's armies take a break from war on Luciena day, while other Nerrhavian patriots plan to send djinni after Flos.
Ceria takes stock of her situation in Nerhs; Pisces does so with the slavers; Yvlon angers the arena's champion; and Ksmvr talks to Nsiia and Femithain.
Krshia upgrades Inkarr's phone, Montressa tries to find the Horns.
Fetohep's remote body is destroyed fighting against Medain's adventurers, Terandrian Knights and Claiven Earth's half-elves, and he sees Erin.
Flos fights Djinni and frees Drenir but is burnt in the process, while Nawal tells everyone that she doesn't have the sword. And Drenir magically destroys Aeresuth.
Luan explores Paeth and the Fraerlings learn about Earth, and they find out that Niers is missing and the Tallfolk destroyed one of the Fraerling cities.
Mrsha irritates Belavierr enough for her to give up on Lasica and Rufelt and focus her anger on Mrsha instead.
Belavierr causes chaos in the inn, as Plain's Eye Doomslayers, Hectval's Army and the dungeon monsters all attack the inn and Liscor. She loses an eye to Niers, and hurts Xrn mortally, but is finally scared off by Pawn.
Goblins and antinium prepare to leave to search for Mrsha, headed by Bird and Niers.
Wistram and Pallass react to Belavierr attacking Liscor while everyone tries to scoop up earthers from the inn. Meanwhile, the defenders of the attack level up.
Wer teaches Mrsha how to run and deals with the consequences of Drassi broadcasting a plea to help Mrsha, while Xherw asks Merish to lead Doomslayers to hunt Mrsha.
Cawe meets Erin in the deadlands and tells her about Pisces.
Fetohep is finally able to communicate with the deadlands, wakes up Khelt's backup revenants who absolutely demolish Medain and Claiven Earth, and begins preparations to bring Erin back to life.
Fetohep contacts the inn and tells everyone he's going to help Erin.
Ryoka has her curse lifted, tells the Veltrases about Arthur and Ailendamus, and discovers Eldavin's condition. She is attacked twice by Rhisveri, and is kidnapped with Sammial in the end.
Relc fights off an entire gang by himself, kicks Sellme out of Cellidel, and convinces Cellidel's Gnolls to move to Liscor as unrest grows in the city and soldiers are called in.
Rabbiteater and the Order of Seasons face off against Merila and the other Knights of Ailendamus, as Baron Regalius inducts more people into the Order of the Hydra.
Yisame reads in her secret rooms, finds out about the Horns in Chandrar, and secretly becomes a patron to Yvlon to mover her to the capital.
Ryoka runs around in Ailendamus' gardens befriending people and children, and starts a flame war in the Court of Masks.
Sikeri prepares to hear judgement from the Fae Court, and is awarded a number of obols by Oberon to compensate Ryoka for Sikeri's "delivery" to Rhisveri.
Mirrex, Silvenia and others discuss the Antinium-Demon alliance and events surrounding the Solstice, while the sleeping thing on Rhir stirs and Norechl jumps over the edge of the world.
Magnolia presents her peace proposal to the Oteslian gathering, and stands against Zeres' army with influential drakes to save the Thronebearers.
Wilovan and Ratici attack the gangs and the faces of Oteslia, almost die but escape with Rickel's help. They rush to save Lyonette, and she is finally saved by Salazsar's ring activating.
Seraphel talks to the other princesses about love, and helps the Griffin Prince rest his army. They are frozen in time as they see a Great General of Ailendamus attack.
The fellowship saves the Lomost Tribe Gnolls from the Drakes attacking them, and Niers begins his conquest of Izril, and at the same time takes heat off Mrsha by having White Gnolls of his own.
Wil, Venaz and the other students join the war to defend Gnolls.
Revine reminisces about her friendship with Illphres. She has a conversation with Ceria about Illphres and offers to teach her in return for allyship.
Revine holds Ceria's circlet hostage and sends [Agents of Corruption] after her to convince her to join Savere.
Revine teaches Ceria magical theory, how to improve her fundamentals, and spells like [Shatterspray Ice Spike] and [Glitterfrost Gust].
Revine hires [Enchanter] Omniscel to appraise the circlet. He finds that it is a mental acuity enhancer and has a effect which leads to Freedom from Morality.
Yvlon pretends to be nearly killed in the Colloseum of Monarchs. She learns how to put on shows for the audience.
Yvlon is brought to the palace to meet Queen Yisame. She is accosted by [Prince] Esceit Quarein who is offended by Yvlon's accusation on [Magistrate] Ducaz. He sends his servant Beton to duel Yvlon.
Rickel covertly tries to get Earthtender members on his side.
Lyonette makes a deal with Rafaema and Ciridiel using [Royal Contract] to not reveal their identity and help them meet Teriarch, if they help her reach Mrsha safely.
The [Monks] of Sottheim agree to go to war for Tiqr. Ksmvr and Tiqr march to Pomle to recover its citizens.
Pisces and Merr move toward Pomle, freeing slaves along the way.
Yisame makes friends with Yvlon and has her relics identified. Etrikah, [Great Sage] of Nerrhavia's Fallen, diagnoses her and cures her of a plague caused by Tolv that releases metal-eating bugs. It has already spread to Thelican's army.
Yisame, Etrikah, Revine, and Irurx all join the cure Erin team.
Geneva, using the Third Mind to simulate treating Erin, comes to realize that the missing piece in reviving her is her ability not to succumb while the other parts of the cure take hold.
Visophecin and Ryoka hate on Sariant lambs, and Visophecin offers his skill in ice magic to Ryoka because they are allies.
Eldavin teaches the mages cost-efficient group [Message] chat.
Eldavin is voted the Archmage of Memory, gets Wistram to condemn Ailendamus's war, declares war on Ailendamus on behalf of the Terras faction, and teleports himself and a hundred-odd other mages there. He and sixteen of the Earthers wearing a completed version of Blackmage's Iron Man suit attack the Order of the Hydra.
Teres tries to cheer Nawalishifra as Nerrhavia's Fallen attacks Reim.
In the deadlands, Norechl leads Seamwalkers from beyond The Last Tide to assail the ghosts. Khelta demands Fetohep complete the ritual to wake Erin at once.
Trey makes a deal with Depth Magus Doroumata regarding the Earthers in Wistram.
Trey gets the Amulet of Xion from Nailihuaile in return for telling her that Eldavin freed Cognita, and she added more Golems to protect Wistram's upper floors.
Trey and Calac ask their friends to help them with their plan.
Archmage Viltach reveals that he knew Trey's plan all along. Emirea tells Nailihuaile and Galei finds Gazi.
Carn hires the Silver Swords to help the Earthers escape.
Maresar sacrifices herself to save Venith and passes on her belongings to Calac, who is able to free himself and Trey.
The Quarass of Germina's forces join Reim's defense.
Emirea is revealed to be the Quarass in disguise, who then kills Archmage Nailihuaile and claims the Serkonian Lance.
Trey frees Amerys and makes her promise to end slavery. Amerys battles Viltach and Feor. Trey, Calac, Gazi, Amerys, Goelv, Tov, and the Quarass escape on the Illuminary.
Nawalishifra vows to never forge a blade again till she finds some greater meaning to do so.
Niers advices his group on how to level. He baits the Doomslayers of Plain’s Eye Tribe into attacking the group with white (painted) Gnoll children and almost defeats them, before they are attacked by Wil and the other [Strategists].
Niers talks with his students, interrogates Viri Taxshirul, and decides that they are going to uncover the conspiracy behind Doombearers, and protect Gnolls from Drakes.
Satar is revealed to be an [Archival Storyteller] and is told the secret of Mrsha du Marquin and the Earthers by Shaman Cetrule.
Chieftain Xherw asks Yelroan to investigate whether Qwera is a doombringer. Yelroan figures out that Mrsha is the doombringer, but keeps her secret.
The issue of the Raskghar and Earthers is presented among the Meeting of Tribes by the Silverfang Tribe. It is learned that there are more Raskghar in hiding underground.
Satar notices inconsistencies in the narrative about doombringers, and investigates by hearing more stories from various Shamans.
Mrsha asks Fetohep to help Gnolls find more written accounts about them. Various nations are contacted about this, and all the accounts are collected by Satar.
The issue of Earthers is discussed among the tribe as a threat.
Shaman Theikha, along with Satar, Gire, Yelroan, Adetr, and Feshi creates a new combination skill, [The World of You and Me], to allow the Gnolls to be able to view Earth and its culture in its entirety rather than percieve it through warfare exclusively. Satar upgrades her class and begins to document Earth.
Fetohep learns from Khelt's monarchs that the Dead Gods have called Seamwalkers into the lands of undead.
Fetohep unleashes all of Khelt's armies and treasuries and marches to the north of Chandrar to board ships to Izril to save Erin's body from the soul who has taken over it.
In Kasignel, Erin uses the God's horn to raise an alarm for all souls to fight the Seamwalkers.
Fetohep sounds the Dragonward Bell and sends a mass [Message] to every Mage's Guild to warn everyone about the Seamwalkers and prepare for war. He asks every nation to stop all their wars.
The Iron Vanguard and Drath ratify Khelt's alarm. Other nations realise that something is wrong.
Fetohep asks Az’kerash to construct a Soulprison for the one occupying Erin's body.
The Horns of Hammerad reunite. They are forcefully taken by Coutei-Dinai to rescue Erin on Fetohep's orders. Pisces has to leave his group of [Slaves] behind, and Ksmvr's relic-class sword is left behind with Nsiia.
Magnolia announces her protection for Mrsha and vows to make an enemy of any Gnoll tribe who harms her.
Cire organises an army to rescue Mrsha by revealing that Lyonette knows his secret and that he has made a death pact which would kill him if Mrsha dies.
Illvriss takes Salaszar's army to the Meeting of the Tribes to try and stop the war.
As Xherw and Torishi debate, it is found that Qwera is a white Gnoll, and Satar reveals the true story of the Beast of Albez, which explains that doombearers use their power to avert doom. Yelroan realises that the Plain's Eye tribe has been extremely lucky and benefits from trade with the Drakes.
After Mrell and Prha reveal to everyone that Mrsha is their daughter and vow to protect her, Xherw uses his power to send Nokha after them. The Halfseekers save them.
Merish tells the Gnolls that Nokha was kept as a prisoner in the Plain's Eye tribe before being released. Yelroan shows them evidence of the tribe taking part in the conspiracy to suppress Gnoll magic.
Xherw confesses to the above and explains that it was to ensure Gnoll survival as Wer stops his attempt kill Mrsha. Plain's Eye steals Doombearer's luck for the Gnolls after they felled the Gnoll's great kingdom.
Belavierr reaches the meeting of the tribes with her second daughter.
Emerrhain uses a secret to override Kasigna's authority and restore Skills and Magic in Kasignel.
Zineryr tells Erin about the first war against the Gods. It began to oppose the creation of the Grand Design, among other reasons. Other realms took part in it. The Gods lost, and immortal species went extinct. The gates to other worlds were closed to prevent the dying Gods from escaping. People forgot the Gods were alive so that they would die of starvation.
Zineryr tells Erin about the safeguards left by the immortal species in the living world to kill the Gods. He asks her to seek allies in Drath, the Demons of Rhir, the Fae, [Witches], and Goblins.
Illvriss arranges a meeting with the leaders of other Walled Cities armies to try and stop the war against Gnolls.
[Time Mages] from every age unite to fight the Timewalker in the land of the dead. Erin meets Nereshal, who gives her a warning. Kasigna destroy's future Nereshal's soul to prevent more time paradoxes.
As the fighting in Baleros for Paeth and the Forgotten Wing Company continues, Niers makes a plan to fight at the Meeting of the Tribes, but he is sent back to Baleros by Belavierr due to the pact she made with Chaldion.
The Scourgeriders of Emrist attack the waking A’ctelios Salash while giving updates via speaking stone. They put it back to sleep and one of them finds something he fears built deep inside by the inhabitants of A’ctelios Salash, but is unable to communicate what it is.
Eldavin duels Visophecin. He draws too much power through his link with Teriarch and a trap Emerrhain left activates. It stops Teriarch's heart and Eldavin announces he is slain before wandering off as he feels the magic keeping him alive fading.
Ryoka kills Fithea after learning she made a deal with Kasigna to resurrect her people if she kills Ryoka.
The inhabitants of Avalon bring their treasures to the auction for the Scroll of [Resurrection]. Instead, the Faerie King has them turn their weapons on the Seamwalkers. The barrage opens a tear between the deadlands and Innworld.